AI Image Adobe Firefly of a rooster

The Equitable Rare Rooster Welcomes You

Mr RareRooster's page has I do confess here been unchanged for what seems like the begining of time. I have my Sires being fettling and scribing periodically with the creation of pages for varied concerns but no need to put them here. And bretheren I do offer other excuses and reasonings I have for my negligence in creation.

That is I have moved to reside in the county of Sir Benfro in Cymru, and have been preccupied with exploring this and the attached counties.

And being now equiped with a motorcycle, I have been exploring the many corners of Cymru on it almost daily. Let me leave you in no doubt whatsoever; to ride a motorcycle is probably one of the most diverting things you can ever do.

So while this page is still laid up like a ham in a pantry seemingly for infinity, I still harbour the expectation that I will eventually stir from this bench and actually do something online worth mention.

If you need to commune with me send e-mail, to

Or read this minature and spake

Mobile Phone # in QR format
